Spiritual Directors

What others have said about spiritual direction:

“We can never know God until we first know our own soul.”
–Julian of Norwich

“Spiritual direction is, in reality, nothing more than a way of leading us to see and obey the real Director – the Holy Spirit hidden in the depths of our soul.”
–Thomas Merton

“Give me faith, Lord, and let me help others find it.”
–Leo Tolstoy

The Synod of Alberta and the Territories has three Spiritual Directors:

Rev. Ron Flamand is ordained into the ministry of Word and Sacrament in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and his ministry has been in hospital/health care chaplaincy and congregational ministry. He is a member of Spiritual Directors International (SDI) an organization that provides support, ongoing education, resources and ethical guidelines for practice to its members and others who practice spiritual direction. He attended a two year program out of Queen’s House of Retreat and Renewal Centre in Saskatoon, SK. This formation program was ecumenical and had participants from a variety of Christian denominations and communities.

Ron says, “Spiritual direction can be described in multiple ways. One that speaks to me and guides my practice is described by David G. Benner, “In its classical form, spiritual direction is a one-on-one relationship organized around prayer and conversation directed toward deepening intimacy with God.” In ordinary everyday language I like to say that we are all walking each other home.

Questions, doubts, awe and wonder, grief, meaning, purpose, direction, emotions, celebration and anything else that helps define our common humanity is all grist for the mill as we journey together seeking to discern the presence and movement of the Spirit in and around us. Nothing, in our spiritual journey is more important than discovering and actualizing the unique self-in-Christ that is my/your/our eternal destiny. This is the core of Christian spirituality.

Spiritual directors are not experts, nor do we direct. We are listeners, listening for what is both spoken and left unspoken; listening for matters both of the mind and of the heart. We journey with others who, like ourselves, are committed to the process of spiritual transformation. We seek to accompany those with whom we journey, to discern the presence and leading of the Spirit of God, the One who is our true Spiritual Director. The image of spiritual direction is three chairs; one for you, one for me and one for the presence of the Spirit, who is the true Spiritual Director.

I am available for further conversation should you have questions about spiritual direction itself or about my approach to it. Together with the traditional practice of face to face conversations, I am also interested in exploring alternative ways such as through skype and via email, in small groups and while walking, etc. I can be contacted at roninnerjourney@gmail.com


Deacon Dr. Faith Nostbakken has a two-year Certificate in Spiritual Direction and is a rostered spiritual director at the Providence Renewal Centre in Edmonton. She has a Master of Theological Studies degree (MTS) and a PhD in English Literature, having taught at university and authored several books. She is a Diaconal Minister of the ELCIC, with a call to the specialized ministry of spiritual direction for the Synod of Alberta and the Territories.

With a passion for stories, she sees her role as spiritual director to help people discover their own sacred stories by listening with compassion and respect to what needs to be told so that it may be more fully and freely lived. Because she affirms God’s desire to meet us in every chapter that shapes our lives, she invites people considering spiritual direction to “come as you are” and be open to the mystery of God’s transforming love and presence. Faith is available to meet people face to face and has also used Skype and e-mail as a means of connecting with people farther away. The fee is based upon a sliding scale. Each session lasts an hour. The fee and frequency of meetings is discussed and agreed upon at the first session. Email: fnostbak@gmail.com



Rev. Dr. Kevin Powell, certified through the Haden Institute, offers a profound and compassionate approach to spiritual direction. His training in depth psychology and Christian mysticism enables him to guide individuals toward deeper self-awareness and spiritual growth. Rooted in his apophatic spirituality, Kevin creates a sacred space for those seeking clarity and healing. His unique approach blends mysticism with practical wisdom, helping clients explore their inner lives and foster meaningful transformation.  Call (587) 890-9759 or email pastorkevinpowell@gmail.com for more information or to make an appointment; all sessions are online.