Ecumenical Officers

The Synod of Alberta and the Territories has two Ecumenical Officers, one in the North and one in the South.

The Northern Ecumenical Officer is Diaconal Minister Faith Nostbakkencontact me.

Faith has a Master of Theological Studies degree (MTS) and a PhD in English Literature, having taught at university and authored several books. She is a Diaconal Minister of the ELCIC, with a call to the specialized ministry of spiritual direction for the Synod of Alberta and the Territories.


The Southern Ecumenical Officer is Rev. Daranne Harriscontact me.

Daranne is currently deep in PhD studies with a focus on compassionate care; previously she ministered at Hope Lutheran Church and served as Vice President & Chief Mission Officer at Bethany Care Society, both organizations in Calgary.


2019 Ecumenical Shared Ministry (ESM) Handbook


This resource was prepared by denominational staff from United, Presbyterian, Anglican and Lutheran churches.

The primary emphasis of this resource is locations where local faith communities are considering worshiping and being church together with two or more denominations involved.


The ELCIC website link is:…