
Diaconal Ministers, Deacons, and Deaconesses within the ABT Synod

There are several deacons and diaconal ministers on the roster of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories. Some are retired, a few serve in calls of specialized ministry.  Our diaconal ministers and deacons are listed below.  Those willing to serve as supply worship leaders (non-sacramental) are listed in the Pulpit Supply Lists. 

Deacon Signi Bruner
Retired, Camrose
(780) 672-6484
Deacon Virginia Burke
On Leave from Call – Parental Leave
Sister Monica Denk
Retired, Edmonton AB
(780) 916-0810
Deaconess Julie Hink
Retired, Edmonton AB
(780) 945-6006
Deacon Dr. Faith Nostbakken
Spiritual Director, Edmonton
Deacon Margaret Olson
Retired, Edmonton AB
(780) 431-1848
Diaconal Minister Sarah Rudd
Good Samaritan Society, Manager of Mission & Ethics
8861-75 Street SW
Edmonton, Alberta T6C 4G8
(780) 431-3818
Deacon Lorraine Schrader
Temporarily Without Call
Leduc AB
Diaconal Minister Karen Wedman
Edmonton AB
(780) 266-2674
Deacon Jane Tse
Wing Kei Christian Care Center Calgary, AB
(403) 277-7433