Special Funds/Projects

See below for the following:

  1. Compassionate Justice Initiatives
  2. Lutheran Triune Grant information

  1. Compassionate Justice Initiatives – Synod Antipoverty Grant

YOUR congregation can make a difference!

The ELCIC can provide funds to assist congregations with projects that address hunger and poverty in Canada (e.g. community gardens, community kitchens, Out-of-the-Cold shelters, Outreach Workers to address homelessness, urban ministries to low income people, etc.)

Please use the link below for the Compassionate Justice Initiatives information and application form.

Due January 31 of the current year: ELCIC Compassionate Justice Grant Application Form 

Due December 31 of the current year:  ELCIC Compassionate Justice Form for Reporting


2. Lutheran Triune Educational and Benevolent Society of Calgary


Application – download, fill, make a copy for your files, and attach a copy to an email; send to abtsynodoffice@elcic.ca

The foundation’s mandate is to support charitable organizations in initiating action that will foster the mission of our Lord’s church.

They invite all congregations to submit proposals for funding of initiatives based on the following criteria:

  • Funding application’s Primary Focus shall be either for a Christian Charity or Christian Education initiative that targets to enhance the ministry of God’s church.
  • Grant Applicant must be a Qualified Donee for the application year, i.e. they must provide a valid Registered Charity Business Number issued by the Canada Revenue Agency.
  • Funding applications can be made to support start-up or one-time initiatives but will not be considered if they are primarily in support of base budgets.
  • Funding applications shall be for one year only and shall be for no more than $10,000.  (a Qualified Donee is not restricted from submitting a separate application in subsequent years but each application will be judged individually on the criteria stated herein)
  • Funding application for a capital project shall be in support of a clearly defined program or purpose and shall not be for more than 1/3 of the project’s total cost to a maximum Grant of $10,000.00.
  • Preference will be given to requests from Lutheran organizations.
  • Within the group of requests from Lutheran organizations, preference will be given to those from the Synod of Alberta & the Territories congregations or organizations and other ELCIC congregations or organizations.
  • All applications shall provide a financial break down totaling the grant request amount of how funds will be expended.
  • All successful applicants shall provide a report to LTE&BSC by September 30 of the following year of how the initiative went including an accounting of how the money was spent.
  • Unspent funds are to be returned to LTE&BSC.

Deadline for applications is October 15 of the current year for the next year’s grant.