Outdoor ministry as an opportunity to provide programs of Christian education, worship, fellowship and recreation to a wide variety of people. Church leaders credit time spent as a camper, staff person, or camp volunteer as being instrumental to their growth in faith and their sense of call to Christian leadership.
There are several ministries swerving within the area of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories. Each one is unique in setting, program and leadership but all share in a passion to bring the gospel to their guests using the beauty of creation. Program staff from the three largest camps gather for one week each June to train for the season’s program, to learn about common staffing issues and to monitor and encourage high standards of camping.
The camps are run through their own boards but the ABT Synod supports their work through promotions such as our e-newsletter Wednesday’s Word. These camps are also invited to apply for various grants available to all within the ABT Synod for the purpose of expansion and outreach.
Three main camps:
A. Camp Kuriakos
Kuriakos is a Greek word translated “belonging to the Lord”. Situated on the shores of Sylvan Lake, Kuriakos is a year-round camp and conference center offering programs for every age group and rental facilities for churches, groups, families and schools. Two modern facilities provide year-round accommodation for almost 100 people. Kuriakos is owned by congregations who annually join Sylvan Lake Lutheran Bible Camp Association.
Contact: Office Phone and fax – (403) 748-3927 Bentley
Camp Phone and fax – (403) 746-2702 Eckville
Camp e-mail: info@kuriakos.ab.ca
website: www.kuriakos.ab.ca
B. Mulhurst Camp
Nestled on the shores of Pigeon Lake in central Alberta, this “Place in the Son” offers a wide variety of program opportunities for campers that include music, art, dance, drama, wilderness living and outpost. The camp features RV camping facilities. The comfortable accommodations provided by three new cabins is available for rent year round.
Contact: (780) 389-4355 for rental information
and (780) 389-2174 for camp and program information
Camp e-mail: director@mulhurstlutherancamp.ca
Website: www.mulhurstlutherancamp.ca
C. Hastings Lake Lutheran Bible Camp
Hastings Lake Lutheran Bible Camp is located about a half hour drive east of Edmonton. It is unique in that it borders a wildlife conservation area that draws a host of interesting species of birds and animals. They also boast a heated pool which is a popular attraction to the summer campers. They operate all year long with summer programs offered in July and August. Although the Camp is open to rentals year ’round, only weekends are available in July and August.
Contact: (780) 662-2557
E-mail: Hastings.rentals@gmail.com
website: www.hastingslake.com