The Calgary Alliance for the Common Good is a non-partisan and non-profit alliance of congregations, unions, school and community groups in Calgary representing more than 30,000 people.  These organizations came together to form the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good in order to organize the power of our communities to shape a just and compassionate city.

The mission of the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good is:

  • To create a broad-based shared organization that is as diverse as Calgary, building relationships among organizations and people from the various community, ethnic, non-profit, labour, and religious groups. 
  • To strengthen our member organizations and their leaders to develop a healthy and effective civic life.
  • To use the principles and techniques of community organizing to effectively address the real issues facing Calgarians and our member organizations.

Member list as of January 27, 2020:

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 583, Ambrose University, Anatolian Turkish Islamic Center of Calgary, Anglican Diocese of Calgary, B’Nai Tikvah, Beth Tzedec Congregation, Bethany Care Society, Calgary Climate Hub, Calgary Interfaith Council, Christ Church Anglican, Eritrean Canadian Community Association of Calgary, General Teamsters Local 362, Good Shephard Moravian, Hillhurst United, Knox United, Synod of Alberta & the Territories – Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Lutheran Church of Our Saviour, Lutheran Church of the Cross, Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary – Office of Social Justice, Scarboro United, St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, St. David’s United Church, St. Laurence Anglican, St. Mary’s University, St. Thomas United Church, The Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 38 (CUPE), Trinity Place Foundation, UBCJA – 2103, Unitarian Church of Calgary, Vibrant Communities Calgary

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