Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (abbreviated: ELCIC)
Address: 600-177 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0W5
Telephone: 204.984.9150 888.786.6707 Toll-Free
Web site: www.elcic.ca
1986 through merger of the former Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada (ELCC) and Lutheran Church in America-Canada Section (LCA-CS)
Bishop: The Rev. Susan C. Johnson
Vice-chair: Sheila Hamilton
Secretary: Linda Grainger
Treasurer: Ken Day
Mission Statement:
The mission of this church, as an expression of the universal Church and as an instrument of the Holy Spirit, is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people in Canada and around the world through the proclamation of the Word, the administration of the Sacraments and through service in Christ’s name.
Four Vision Priorities
– Courageous Innovation
– Reconciled Relationships
– One Body Working Together
– Empowered Disciples
View a one-page overview of the priorities with further detailed information here.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada functions through three major entities: nationally as the ELCIC, regionally as synods, and locally as congregations. Each entity has unique ministries as well as ministries which are shared with the other entities. The synods are also divided into geographical conferences to assist in their ministry.
525 congregations
Approx. 114,592 baptized members
British Columbia Synod: The Rev. Dr Greg Mohr, Bishop
Synod of Alberta and the Territories: The Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, Bishop
Saskatchewan Synod: The Rev. Sidney Haugen, Bishop
Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario Synod: The Rev. Jason Zinko, Bishop
Eastern Synod: The Rev. Michael Pryse, Bishop
Schools And Seminaries:
Luther College, Regina, SK.
Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute, Outlook, SK.
Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon, SK.
Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, Waterloo, ON.