Mission Priorities

Mission Priorities and Outcomes 2021-2024

Reflecting our mission statement, our vision and the Evangelical Declaration, our mission priorities and outcomes for the triennium 2021 – 2024 are as follows:


We trust in the Holy Spirit who “calls us through the Gospel, enlightens us with gifts, sanctifies and keeps us in true faith.”                                                                                                                                                (Martin Luther’s explanation – 3rd Article of the Creed)

We, who are many, are one body in Christ.                        Romans 12:5a

  1. We mentor, support, and accompany lay and rostered leaders in ministry formation in order to equip the body of Christ for mission and ministry.
  2. We nurture a vision for joining God’s mission in the world through listening, discerning, experimenting, reflecting, and learning.
  3. We model Jesus’ presence in organizational and governance structures and in approaches to conflict resolution.


We live lives of hopeful service, affirming the rich diversity of God’s family, and witnessing to Christ’s liberating presence in the world.

Equip the saints for ministry and for building up the body of Christ.               Ephesians 4:12

  1. We are a community of lifelong learners engaged in the practices of Biblical study, prayer, and reflection, including Dwelling in the Word.
  2. We welcome and affirm all people, with the uniqueness of their gifts, as valued partners in ministry.
  3. We equip, support, and inspire one another to be Christ’s presence in the world.
  4. We practice healthy stewardship of creation, of our time, gifts, and resources in order to care for creation, serve our neighbour, and strengthen the body of Christ.


We welcome creativity and experimentation as expressions of God at work.

For nothing is impossible with God.               Luke 1:37

  1. We are led by a faithful God as we walk together through changing times.
  2. We celebrate the continuing semper reformanda (always reforming) spirit of our Lutheran tradition in light of changing contexts.
  3. We seek the capacity to support creative and flexible approaches to ministry.
  4. We learn from experimentation and innovation.


We work together joining God in God’s mission of reconciliation.

We are given the ministry of reconciliation.                  2 Corinthians 5:18

  1. We work to build relationships and partnerships with all people who seek a just and peaceful world.
  2. We seek opportunities to work together as congregations, specialized ministries, and Areas of our Synod, our Companion Synod, the ELCIC, and through the ELCIC with international partners.
  3. We serve with the Anglican Church of Canada and seek to strengthen relationships with ecumenical and interfaith partners witnessing mutual respect, and good stewardship.
  4. We express God’s grace and love as we seek to abide in right relations with Indigenous Peoples and marginalized members of society.

Videos outlining and illustrating each of the four mission priorities were prepared for the 2021 Synod Convention. They may be viewed and downloaded here:

Spirit-Led Leadership            Hope-Filled Discipleship          Innovative Tradition             Collaborative Partnership