The purpose of the Worship and the Arts Ministry Team is to assist congregations and ministries within the Synod to offer faithful worship to God, rooted in Scripture and the confessional and liturgical heritage of our Lutheran tradition.
Thank you from the Worship & the Arts Ministry Team to everyone who participated in our 2023 ABT Online Worship Survey. Everyone is welcome to view a summary of the results, which were shared with Synod Council in October. Your responses are helping us shape our plans for the coming years.
Planning for Lent Workshop (January 2023) – resources from Ben Johnston-Urey (Trinity, Whitehorse), including the powerpoint from the workshop, are available here.
Planning for Epiphanytide Workshop (November 2022) – watch the presentation here, access the chat thread here. The powerpoint and other resources from Ben Johnston-Urey (Trinity, Whitehorse) are available through the chat thread.
Liturgical Arts…It’s More Than Just Paraments!
(September 2022) – From the Congregational Life Event (God, We Gather as Your People) on September 10, 2022, at Good Shepherd in Red Deer, Kari Heise (Hosanna, Edmonton) gave a presentation on the use of Liturgical Art. For inspiration, education, and enjoyment, find Kari’s PowerPoint here.
Common Ground, Holy Ground, Common Good : In Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the signing of The Waterloo Declaration:
Archbishop Linda Nicholls and Bishop Susan Johnson speak of what Full Communion means to them in a video found here.
Find resources and guidance for your congregation to commemorate the Waterloo Declaration in the toolkit found here.
Video: Worship and the Arts – July 2021Worship and the Arts Ministry Team Report to the 2021 Synod Convention
Prayer and Devotions
Our current hymn resource, Evangelical Lutheran Worship, explains and encourages us to participate in a daily ritual of deliberate prayer:
(Evangelical Lutheran Worship, copyright 2006, Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis, MN, page 295)
Prayer lists for use within the Synod of Alberta and the Territories
1. Weekly prayers for use on Sundays in our churches. In these we pray for our various Congregations within the ABT Synod, the Offices and Bishops of the National Synods, our partner churches within Canada, our Companion Synod etc.!
2. Weekly prayers of the Lutheran-Anglican-Moravian Full Communion Cycle of Prayer designed by the Lutheran-Anglican-Moravian Commission for use in Canadian congregations, parishes, and communities, including for Sunday liturgies throughout the year.
2024-2025 Version of the Lutheran-Anglican-Moravian Full Communion Cycle of Prayer
3. Prayers for the weeks of Epiphany with a special emphasis on our companion church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Columbia (IELCO) and its other companion synods in South Carolina and Southeastern Minnesota.
Prayers for the Season after the Epiphany
4. The following link takes you to an alphabetized list of the ABT Synod Pastors (serving and retired), Deacons/Deaconesses, Chaplains and Bishops within our National Church family. Also included for prayer is their partner/spouse based on the most recent updates available.
30 Days of Prayer for Rostered Ministers – Updated November 2024
Thank you for praying for our many connections in Alberta, Canada and around the World.
ELCIC Copyright Information
Worship Planning Resources and Preaching Resources
(Information provided November 2019 by Gail Berg, Dr. Joy Berg, and Carolyn Ethier)
Worship Planning Resources
- The Worship Website of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada is to inspire, encourage, support and provide resources for creative, thoughtful and faithful worship in the Lutheran ecumenical tradition for liturgical and music planners and leaders in congregations and ministries of the ELCIC and other Christian communities; and for individual and home worship, devotion and spiritual practices for ongoing spiritual renewal. ELCIC Worship Website
- The Program Committee for Worship of the ELCIC has commissioned Where Two or Three Are Gathered: Worship for Small Assemblies, a series of worship outlines for the seasons of the church year using Evangelical Lutheran Worship. Link to resources
- Sundays and Seasons. A resource that follows the three-year lectionary cycle and provides everything you might need to support your worship ministry. This is an annual subscription based service allowing for worship planning for music, preaching, visuals Lutheran Hymn Books the NRSV Bible texts. Sundays and Seasons
- Resources for Crafting Prayers of Intercession – ELCA Blog October 2021
- A Wee Worship Book, Fifth Incarnation (or previous ones), Wildgoose Publiations/Iona, 2015, USD 14.50. Simple, beautiful liturgies that can be adapted for various worship contexts.
- Evangelical Lutheran Worship Guitar Accompaniment Edition, 2007, USD 70.00…
- Singing Our Prayer: Companion to Holden Prayer Around the Cross, Tom Witt, 13.99 USD Full score ed. USD 9.95; Assembly booklet USD 3.00. Much of this music can be sung with or without accompaniment, and could be part of worship at any time of the year.…
- Seasons of the Spirit from Woodlake Seasons Fusion is the worship resource, and SeasonsEncore is the multi generational study resource – excellent materials here too that we used for many years with our SS, youth & adults – includes seasonal multi-age gatherings with readings, songs & activity ideas. (Must have a log in for detailed information.)
- Calvin Institute of Worship –
- Singing with the Lectionary:
- Ashley Danyew blog and website:…
- Sacred Ordinary Days:
- Various resources from Marty Haugen: Tree of Life, Bread of Life, Holden Evening Prayer. Marty Haugen’s Website
- The Lutheran Church of Australia has many service preparation tools from visual arts to prayers and readings:
Preaching Resources
- For some time, the BC Synod has had a Sermon Rota program which is intended for congregations without a full time rostered leader or for whose minister is away on vacation. The ELCIC Program Committee for Worship is now offering Sermons by Email, initiated by the BC Synod Sermon Rota. The sermons, based on the Revised Common Lectionary, are currently prepared by rostered ministers who have agreed to participate in the rotation. The sermon is completed by Friday night and emailed to those congregations that have signed up to receive a sermon that week. This gives time for the recipient to practice the sermon before presenting it in front of the congregation on Sunday morning. Congregations wanting to receive a sermon should enrol with the administrator two weeks in advance. If the congregation will be a regular recipient, it will need to enrol only once. The current administrator of the program is Pastor Jane Gingrich:
- The Lectionary is available through the ELCA site here: Lectionary
- Working Preacher is a resource from Luther Seminary (St. Paul, Minnesota) providing sermons resources Working Preacher
- The Text this Week: This site features a wide variety of resources for study and liturgy based on the 3-year Revised Common Lectionary cycle: The Text this
- The Lutheran Church of Australia in addition to many service preparation tools listed above also has sermons prepared for lay-reading. Lutheran Church of Australia
- Enter the Bible is a resource available through Luther Seminary designed to “help you grow in your faith, add depth to your Bible studies and truly discover the people, places and events of the Bible. Think of Enter the Bible as your guide, a helpful reference tool to accompany you in your reading of the Bible.” Enter the Bible
Daily Personal Devotion Suggestions
Various resources are available to you either in the ELW or the Lutheran Book of Worship, under the heading Daily Prayer. Below are some other resources that you may find helpful for your daily time of reflection.
God Pause – Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
Our Daily Bread – From RBC Ministries
… in the Meantime. Where Faith Meets Everyday Life – by David Lose
Synod-Wide Worship Services
Easter 2 – April 11, 2021:
Access the bulletin here.
Read the Gospel Lesson and Bishop Larry’s sermon here.
View the Gospel Lesson and Bishop Larry’s sermon here.
View Synod Announcements and Thanks here.
Reign of Christ – November 22, 2020