Video: Affirming Diversity Ministry Team – July 2021
Affirming Diversity Ministry Team Report to the 2021 Convention – July 2021
Affirming Diversity Ministry Team
The Affirming Diversity Ministry team was established in 2021 to support and encourage members, congregations and specialized ministries within the Synod of Alberta & The Territories in welcoming and affirming all people with the uniqueness of their gift as Children of God and as valued partners in ministry.
We seek to express God’s grace and love as we seek to abide in right relations, uplifting the diversity of those who have often found themselves at the margins of our congregations: such as LGBTQ2SIA+, BIPOC, those living with Disabilities, and other marginalized identities.
KAIROS RESOURCE: Strength for Climbing: Steps on the Journey of Reconciliation
Download KAIROS’ newest resource entitled Strength for Climbing: On the Journey to Reconciliation, part of the upcoming KAIROS Winds of Change campaign, here:
This booklet is designed to help non-Indigenous communities begin on a path of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.
By learning and unlearning.
By building relationships.
By actively practicing reconciliation.
By living out our commitment in worship, in prayer and in just action.
KAIROS is with you on this journey, as together we strive to practice reconciliation.
How Residential School has affected me: a reflection by Sui-Taa-Kii (Danielle Black)
Sui-Taa-Kii (Danielle Black) is from the Siksika First Nations, which is a part of the Blackfoot Confederacy, Plains people, Treaty 7, and delivered this speech at a recent gathering “Abiding in Right Relations: Laying the Foundations”, the Synod of Alberta and the Territories cross border conversation, which was held in Airdrie, November 2015, following the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
A few weeks ago, my grandparents approached me to speak about my experiences with Residential Schools, and how it’s ultimately affected me and my life. My first thought was “YES! there’s no question, I have to do this.” but I didn’t realize the amount of self-reflection, and looking back in retrospect I would be doing…. read more.