Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia

The Synod of Alberta and the Territories and (La) “Iglesia Evangelica Luterana de Colombia” (The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia), also known as “IELCO”, are participants in a Companion Synod relationship as outlined in the “Statement of Covenant” that was first signed June 13th, 2003 by Bishop Steve Kristenson (ABT Synod) and Bishop Parada (IELCO). The Covenant has since been renewed by both parties most recently in 2021 by Bishop Larry Kochendorfer (ABT Synod) and Bishop Atahualpa Hernandez (IELCO).

Find more information here:  https://albertasynod.ca/our-ministries/fulfilling-our-mission/ministry-teams/global-missions/colombia/